Ethics Requirements


Project Title: Anglo-Quebec Theatre Mapping Project

Lead Researcher: Dr. Erin Hurley, Professor of Theatre, McGill University, Department of English


Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


Purpose of the Study:
This project seeks to:

  1. visualise the locations of English-language theatrical production in Quebec from 1930-2015 on a dynamic, online map
  2. gather stories about theatrical productions in those spaces from those who took part in them.

To do so, we will use a crowd-sourcing method – conducting ‘hackathons’ of an online map of theatre spaces in Quebec with adult members of the Anglophone Quebec theatre community, primarily theatre artists and administrators. The aim is to gain a greater understanding of the locations of theatre in English and their repertoires. We wish also to view the relationships, connections, people, and performances that contributed and shaped the theatrical landscape of Anglophone theatre in Quebec between 1930 and 2015.


Study Procedures:
The research team will disseminate a call for stories to a wide range of theatre companies and artists within the Anglophone theatre community in Quebec and encourage the sharing of the call for stories to ensure we get the most diverse range of responses as possible. Participants will complete this consent form and subsequently submit their stories using an online form during a 2-hour “hackathon” taking place over Zoom. (Participants stay only as long as it takes them to enter their stories and are not required to stay for the full two hours. Participants are not obliged to turn their cameras or microphones on.) As a model for participants, the online map will be pre-populated by the research team with data and anecdotes found in books and articles on Anglophone theatre in Quebec. Participant stories will then be moderated by members of the research team to ensure that they meet the ethical requirements and objectives of the project. If a story is accepted, selected information from the submission form will be displayed on a map along with other collected stories within a week of the hackathon event.

Stories will be moderated by members of the research team to ensure that they meet the ethical requirements and objectives of the project. If a story is accepted, selected information from the submission form will be displayed on a map along with other collected stories. To ensure that all voices are heard, the research team maintains the right to limit the number of stories submitted by an individual that are made visible on the map.

All of the information collected will be collated in a secure research database to be analysed by the research team. Once findings have been made form the research, the research team will also disseminate this information to the theatre community and the general public through public lectures, conference presentations, and online. Findings and quotations from participants’ stories may also appear in Professor Hurley’s academic research (e.g., articles, books, academic conference papers).


Voluntary Participation:
You are not obliged to take part in this study. You may refuse to participate in any part of the study, may decline to answer any question, and may withdraw from the study at any time, for any reason. In the event you withdraw from the study before publication of findings from the research, all information already collected from you will be destroyed, unless you give permission otherwise. (Following publication, University policy requires that information collected as part of this study be held for 7 years in a secure database.) You will be provided with a copy of your story submission by email once you have completed your entry or entries.


Potential Risks:
As with any data-transmission over the Internet, there is a minor risk of its interception.


Potential Benefits:
Participants may have the opportunity to see their stories mapped with other stories and form connections with other theatre artists through the project. They will receive a copy of their story submission by email once they have completed their entry. They will be contributing to a greater understanding to the history and landscape of Anglophone theatre in Quebec.

In light of the effects of COVID-19 on their work-opportunities, and the need of their contributions for the project’s success, artists who are invited by the research team to participate in populating the map before it is open to the general public will be offered a one-time honorarium of $50 for participating in the hackathon and/or submitting a story or stories. Honoraria will be paid through McGill University financial services via either Paypal or McGill Payroll.


Story Requirements:
The Anglo-Quebec Theatre Mapping Project is seeking stories that contribute to a greater understanding of the history of Anglophone theatre in Quebec from 1930-2015, particularly in relation to the locations and spaces at which performances took place. These stories can be about:

  • the venues or spaces themselves,
  • the venue’s location and the community it served,
  • productions held there,
  • relationships formed or connections made at those sites,
  • people, plays, or performances that took place in those locations.

Because these stories will be included as part of an academic research project as well as providing a resource to the theatre community, there are specific requirements that the stories must meet.

A story must:

  • be connected to Anlgophone Quebec Theatre;
  • add to the conversations surrounding Anglophone Quebec theatre history, dramaturgies, or connections and/or the Anglophone Quebec theatre community;
  • involve at least one Quebec theatre/venue, company, production, play, and/or artist.

A story must not:

  • not contain any purposefully misleading information language or defamatory remarks;
  • not include any insensitive comments or slurs targeting individuals or groups based on:
    • race and/or ethnicity
    • gender
    • sexuality and/or sexual preference
    • disability
    • mental health
    • class
  • not include promotional information or advertisements for current or upcoming productions, calls for auditions, production pitch, or soliciations for work or money/funding;
  • not be a new play script submission.