Mapping English-Language Theatre in Quebec

Understanding the English-language theatrical landscape in Quebec through your stories


The English-Language Quebec Theatre Mapping Project presents first-person stories about relationships, connections, people, plays, venues, and performances told by members of the theatre community. This colletion of oral histories, testimonials, and memories allows us to gain a greater understanding of the history of Anglophone theatre in Quebec in the 20th century.

Leaflet © OpenStreetMap


Stories that happened
Stories that were missed

Timeline slider - coming soon!


We want to hear from you. Tell us about your experiences in English-language theatre in Quebec
– connect your stories to the locations in which they took place (or were meant to/hoped to happen).

You may submit more than one story – indeed, we hope you will.

You will automatically be asked to sign a consent form – you only need to do this once, no matter how many stories you submit.

A copy of your submitted stories will be automatically sent to the email you provide on the consent form.

All submissions will be vetted before posting.

Stories will be posted here on the publicly accessible website and will include your name as author of the story.

Please share information about this project and the storymapping site widely!

If you are not sure what you'd like to write and need some inspiration or guidance, you can find examples of stories here.

Full information on the research project can be found here.

Questions? Email us at

Tell us your stories about English-language theatre in Quebec. What happened? What didn't?

Here are the steps for submitting stories:

  1. Start your journey by filling out the online consent form here
  2. Come up with a story or stories of what happened and/or of what didn’t happen
    • Tell us where/what location the story takes place/doesn’t take place in so we can pin it to the map.
    • Record the story or stories by typing it directly into the story submission form, OR by following any of the options below:
  3. Submit the story or stories
    • Type it directly into the website submission portal here
    • Upload a Word or PDF document, an audio recording file, or a video recording file into the story submission form

Click here to get started with the submission process for a story that happened

This project has been developed in partnership with:


This project is funded by: